Development of the Evaluative Scalogram for University Science and Engineering-Related Department Interdisciplinary Learning Quality
Author: Yao Tang(Institute of Education, National Cheng Kung University), Hui-Chih Hsu(Institute of Educational Management, National University of Tainan), Chien-Chou Su(Kaohsiung Municipal Yan-Chao Elementary School)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 61, No. 1
Date:March 2016
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate related studies on the evaluative scalogram for university science and engineering-related department interdisciplinary learning quality. Exploring interdisciplinary learning quality issues provided the foundation for the literature review in this study. According to the literature, the factorial structure and items of the preliminary scalogram were formed. The first step of the research method was to confirm the factorial structure and items of the preliminary scalogram by using a focus group, followed by reclassifying and purifying the structure and items through exploratory factor analysis. The second step was to randomly collect 653 valid samples from Taiwanese undergraduates of the science or engineering college for confirmatory factor analysis. The overall model fits, item reliability, composite reliability, discriminant validity, and convergent validity were used to confirm the factorial structure and to examine the optimal model that was identified in this study: the corrected factors model. According to the results, this study determined that three latent factors were extracted in the scalogram and that the corrected factors model was stable. Finally, suggestions for education administration and policymaking are proposed according to the findings.
Keywords:scalogram factorial structure, scalogram development, interdisciplinary learning quality
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