Using Personality Traits and Psychological and Environmental Factors to Predict the Instructional Design Imagination of Teachers
Author: Yuling Hsu (Institute of Education, Tzu Chi University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 61, No. 3
Date:September 2016
This study responded to the challenging and complex situations faced by teachers by using personality, psychological, and environmental variables to construct a predictive model of the imaginative capabilities of teachers as demonstrated in their instructional design. On the basis of previous studies of the influence of personality traits and psychological and environmental factors on imaginative capabilities, we conducted structural equation modeling to propose a predictive model and then validated it. The results revealed that: (1) the imaginative capabilities involved in instructional design included initiating imagination, conceiving imagination, and transforming imagination; (2) openness to experience and conscientiousness had strong direct effects on imaginative capabilities, whereas extraversion, emotional stability, and agreeableness indirectly predicted imaginative capabilities; (3) self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation displayed mediating roles in the personality traits and psychological and environmental factors that predicted imaginative capabilities; (4) the means by which environmental factors influence imaginative capabilities requires further exploration. Finally, this study proposed suggestions regarding the practical implications of the results and future research directions.
Keywords:environmental factors, instructional design imagination, personality traits, psychological factors
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