Support-Object-Personnel Mobile-Learning Readiness Model for Primary and Secondary Schools
Author: Ya-Ting Yu (Graduate School of Curriculum and Instructional Communications Technology, National Taipei University of Education), Yuan-Chen Liu (Graduate School of Curriculum and Instructional Communications Technology, National Taipei University of Education), Tzu-Hua Huang (Department of Education, University of Taipei)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 61, No. 4
Date:December 2016
Efficiently integrating mobile learning resources is an essential step in developing a successful innovative education system that can enhance perceptions and stimulate preparations for M-learning among school administrators and faculty members. Currently, tools for measuring M-learning readiness and instruments that can productively evaluate M-learning readiness are extremely limited. This study proposed the support-object-personnel (SOP) m-learning readiness model to assess the capacity for m-learning readiness in primary and secondary schools in Taiwan. Through a literature review and focus group interviews (N = 4), several standards were identified. Questionnaires (N = 198) were developed and then implemented to conduct a valid survey in 71 schools (11 secondary schools and 60 elementary schools). The data were collected online and computed in SPSS with exploratory factor analysis, a one-sample t test, Friedman’s nonparametrical variance analysis, and a chi-squared test. Most of the respondents were experienced scholars, principals, and faculty members who were familiar with emerging educational technologies. In conclusion, the results of this study consisted of 3 dimensions, 10 main indicators and 30 subindicators. Notably, leadership ability exhibited the highest score and school platform the lowest score among all criteria.
Keywords:mobile learning, mobile learning readiness, primary and secondary schools in Taiwan, readiness assessment, Support-Object-Personnel (SOP)
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