Review of Argumentation Instruction in Senior High Schools
Author: Yi-Pei Tang (Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University), Wen-Hsin Chang (Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University), Ying-Shao Hsu (Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 66, No. 4
Date:December 2021
This study aimed to identify the features of argumentation instruction in senior high school classrooms to formulate recommendations for researchers and curriculum developers. Therefore, we searched the Scopus database and three major Taiwan-based journals for relevant studies. In total, 24 articles were selected because they met the three filter criteria of (1) being empirical studies, (2) involving senior-high-school teacher or student participants, and (3) examining classroom teaching practices. The literature review indicates that the immersion-type argumentation instruction attracted the most attention. This type of instruction often establishes an appropriate design-based learning context to enhance students’ engagement and motivation. Several studies indicate that immersing students in a student-centered learning environment can enhance the argument discourse that they engage in with their peers and teachers. The structural-type argumentation instruction stresses the enhancement of students’ understanding of argumentation. Generally, the framework of argumentation is embedded in worksheets and scientific writing activities designed to improve students’ knowledge of the elements of argumentation. These findings highlight the potential of embedding the argumentation framework into teaching activities to improve students’ transfer of learning with respect to argumentation abilities.
Keywords:content analysis, science education, argument, argumentation instruction
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- 洪逸文、湯宜佩(2016)。高中特色課程的開發與實施:以論證課程為例。課程研究,11(3),23-57。【Hung, Y.-W., & Tang, Y.-P. (2016). Developing and implementing argumentation training curriculum as a high school-based feature curriculum in Taiwan. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 11(3), 23-57.】
- 張珮珊、賴吉永、溫媺純(2017)。科學探究與實作課程的發展、實施與評量:以實驗室中的科學論證為核心之研究。科學教育學刊,25(4),355-389。【Chang, P.-S., Lai, C.-Y., & Wen, M.-L. (2017). The development, implementation and assessment of a scientific inquiry and practice curriculum: The scientific argumentation in the laboratory. Chinese Journal of Science Education, 25(4), 355-389.】
- 教育部(2018)。十二年國民基本教育課程綱要。作者。【Ministry of Education. (2018). Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. Author.】
- 黃柏鴻、林樹聲(2007)。論證教學相關實證性研究之回顧與省思。科學教育月刊,302,5-20。【Huang, P.-H., & Lin, S.-S. (2007). Literature review and reflection on the research about argumentation instruction. Science Education Monthly, 302, 5-20.】
- 潘怡如、陳雅君、林煥祥(2018)。以科學新聞融入教學提升中學生自我效能及論證能力之探討。科學教育學刊,26(1),71-96。【Pan, Y.-J., Chen, Y.-C., & Lin, H.-S. (2018). Promoting secondary school students’ science self-efficacy and argumentation ability with science news instruction. Chinese Journal of Science Education, 26(1), 71-96.】
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