期刊目錄列表 - 54卷(2009) - 【教育科學研究期刊】54(1) 三月刊

職業取向生涯教育課程對國中學習遲緩學生生涯成熟之影響 作者:程國選(中華醫事科技大學幼兒保育系)



本研究的目的在探討Brolin(1997)生活中心生涯教育(Life-Centered Career Education, LCCE)的理論模式和學習遲緩者的學習行為特質,據以編擬一套適合國中學習遲緩學生學習活動的職業取向生涯教育課程(Vocation Oriented Career Program, VOCP),以等組法前後測實驗設計,考驗這套課程對學生生涯成熟的效果。結果顯示:一、接受生涯教育的學習遲緩學生在生涯發展態度、生涯發展認知及生涯發展取向等三項生涯成熟評量上,顯著優於未接受此種課程者;二、接受生涯教育的女生,在生涯發展認知的效果優於男生,其餘兩項生涯成熟評量則無顯著性別差異;三、實驗教學後的追蹤評量顯示,生涯教育對學習遲緩學生的生涯發展有持續的正向效果。最後,根據研究發現,研究者對於教師教學、教育行政與後續研究提出建言。


《詳全文》 檔名

APA FormatCheng, K.-H. (2009). The Effect of Vocation-Oriented Career Program on Career Maturity of Junior High Slow Learners. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 54(1), 87-112. doi:10.3966/2073753X2009035401004

Journal directory listing - Volume 54 (2009) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【54(1)】March

The Effect of Vocation-Oriented Career Program on Career Maturity of Junior High Slow Learners Author: Kuo-Hsuan Cheng(Department of Early Childhood Caring and Education, Chung Hua University of Medical Technology)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 54, No. 1
Date:March 2009


The purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to develop the Vocation-Oriented Career Program (VOCP) based the model of Life Centered Career Education (Brolin, 1997) and the learning characteristics of slow learners; and (2) to explore the effect of VOCP learning activities on career maturity of junior high slow learners. A pre- and post-test experimental design was adopted. The major findings of this study were as follows: (1) The VOCP had significantly effects on slow learners' career development attitude, career development cognition, and career development orientation. (2) Among three measures of career maturity, there was only the career development cognition showed gender difference, i.e., females were superior to males. (3) An 8-week follow-up test showed the lasting effects of the experiment on all three measures of VOCP. Based on the findings, suggestions for teacher's instruction, educational administration, and further researches were made.

Keywords:Life Centered Career Education, career maturity, slow learners, Vocation-Oriented Career Program