Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【65(1)】March (Special Issue: Language and Culture Education Policies)

(Special Issue) Mother Tongues First: Planning Taiwanese Native Languages Education Policy for Language Revitalization Author: Hak-Khiam Tiun (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taitung University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No.1
Date:March 2020

The family domain as a base of native language has been invaded by Mandarin Chinese and its force in politics, the economy, communication and media, and education. Mandarin has replaced the traditional functions and positions of mother tongues in families and communities. Although mother tongue education has been implemented for years, a shift is occurring from mother tongues to Mandarin. Native language educational planning for language revitalization must therefore be reconsidered. In the past, mother tongue education was provided only in school and lacked support from families and communities and guidance from language revitalization theory. This article proposes that native language revitalization requires the inclusion of bilingual education that prioritizes mother tongues. A comprehensive language revitalization model is employed to establish a guarded section for mother tongues among families, communities, and schools. Applying a language vitality model into planning, developing language abilities, creating language opportunities, and increasing desires for language use can be practiced during each of the four steps of language revitalization—ideological awakening, school education, extension beyond school, and intergenerational language transmission. Bringing mother tongues home is the key to passing down languages throughout generations. It requires the application of family language policy and exploration of language ideology, management, and practice. The method of translanguaging can be adopted in school education so that the use of mother tongues as teaching languages can create additional spaces for mother tongue education.

Corrigendum: Mother Tongues First: Planning Taiwanese Native Languages Education Policy for Language Revitalization

Keywords:family language policy, translanguaging, language vitality model, language education policy, language revitalization

《Full Text》 檔名

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APA FormatTiun, H. -K. (2020). Mother Tongues First: Planning Taiwanese Native Languages Education Policy for Language Revitalization. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 65(1), 175-200. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.202003_65(1).0007