期刊目錄列表 - 11~20期(1966-1975) - 第十七期 (1972)

聚2甲基1.3,丁二烯爆米花聚合物氧化之研究 作者:盧世琴


聚2-甲基1,3-丁二烯爆米花聚合物之氧化生成物其具有揮發性之化合物中,定量測定水及二氧化碳,半定量測定甲醛,此三種生成物皆與所用氧量成直線關 係。每用一莫耳之氧生成0.098莫耳之水及0.038莫耳之二氧化碳及多於0.016莫耳之甲醛。總共有二十四種生成物,由於繼續氧化及相互作用而生 成。其主要者為水、二氧化碳、甲醛、甲酸及乙酸,無4.羰基戊醛(levulinaldehyde)發見。


Journal directory listing - Volume 11-20 (1966-1975) - Volume 17 (1972)

Oxidation of Polyisoprene Popcorn Polymer Author: Shih-Chen LU


The volatile products resulting from polyisoprene popcorn polymer oxida-tion were analyzed quantitatively for carbon dioxide and water, and semiquant-itatively for formaldehyde. The production of these three products was a linear function of the amount of oxygen consumed in the reaction. For every mole of oxygen reacted, 0.098 mole of water, 0.038 mole of carbon dioxide, and>0.0!6 mole of formaldehyde were formed. Twenty-four products were detected after extensive oxidation; the major ones being water, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, formic acid, and acetic acid. No levulinaldehyde was identified in the products.
A tentative oxidation mechanism is discussed.