雖然教育心理學的研究者認為逃避行為是動機性的自我保護策略,它和個人的主觀能力知覺可能會形成一種互為因果的不良循環,但是很少有實徵研究探討主觀能力與逃避策略的交互影響。基於此,本研究的目的如下:(1)考驗本研究所建構的主觀能力與逃避策略交互效果模式是否受到觀察資料的支持,並比較逃避策略和主觀能力的交互效果;(2)分析學生知覺的課室目標結構對其主觀能力與逃避策略之間關係的調節效果;(3)驗證先前自我調整學習研究所發現的國中生主觀能力及逃避策略的發展現象。本研究採縱貫設計,受試者抽選自十所國中共655 位學生,他們於國一(2003 年)及國二(2004 年)時接受兩次測量,所蒐集的資料以結構方程模式、多樣本分析及多變量變異數分析進行統計考驗。研究結果顯示:(1)主觀能力與逃避策略交互效果模式具有理想的整體適配度及內部品質,適合用來解釋國中生的觀察資料,而主觀能力對逃避策略的效果比逃避策略對主觀能力的效果大。(2)學習者主觀能力與逃避策略之間的關係受到其知覺的課室目標結構所調節:在課室精熟目標結構中,學習者主觀能力對其逃避策略的效果不顯著;但是在課室表現目標結構中,學習者主觀能力對其逃避策略具有顯著的負向效果。(3)與先前的研究發現相同,國中生的主觀能力知覺隨著年級的上升而下降,但是逃避策略的使用頻率卻隨著年級的上升而上升。本研究根據研究結果在理論及實務上的涵義進行討論,並提出未來研究及教學介入的建議。
Journal directory listing - Volume 51 Number 2 (2006/October) - Education【51(2)】
Students Perception of Subjective Competence and Their Use of Avoidance Strategies
Author: Biing-Lin Cherng(Institute of Education, National Cheng Kung University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 51, No.2
Date:October 2006
Although research in educational psychology has always emphasized that students’ perception of subjective (i.e. of their own) competence and their use of avoidance strategies might form a vicious circle of reciprocal causation, no empirical evidence has yet been offered. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to: (a) test the fit between empirically observed data and the reciprocal causal model of subjective competence and avoidant strategies proposed by the author, (b) analyze the moderating effects of classroom goals on students’ perception of subjective competence and use of avoidant strategies, and (c) confirm the developmental trends of students’ perception of subjective competence and use of avoidant strategies. A longitudinal design for a two-year period was adopted in this study. Participants were 655 students (51% males) from ten junior high schools, and data were collected during 2 consecutive academic years. The first wave of data was collected when students were in the 7th grade (2003), and the second wave was collected when students had moved to the 8th grade (2004). The observed data were analyzed via SEM, multi-sample analysis, and one-way repeated MANOVA. The results of this study are as follows: (a) the theoretical model fits the empirically observed data well, and the results of this study supported the predictions made at the outset; (b) the relations between students’ perception of subjective competence and use of avoidance strategies were moderated by students’ perception of the classroom goal structure: students’ perceptions of subjective competence were not related to use of avoidance strategies in classroom mastery goal structure, whereas there was an inverse relation between students’ perception of subjective competence and their use of avoidant strategies in classroom performance goal structure; and (c) there was a significant downward developmental trend in junior high school students’ perception of subjective competence, together with a significant upward developmental trend in their use of avoidance strategies. Implications for theory, instructional intervention, and future research are discussed.
Keywords:students’ perception of subjective competence, avoidance behavior, avoidance strategies, structural equation modeling, classroom goal structure