期刊目錄列表 - 58卷(2013) - 【教育科學研究期刊】58(2) 六月刊

PBL融入師資培育教學實習課程之個案研究 作者:徐靜嫻(輔仁大學師資培育中心)



能力導向的教育模式已逐漸成為世界各國培育專業人才的重要方式。在此理念下所強調的「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL),在醫學、護理、科學等領域上的應用,都顯示對於實務人員面對錯綜複雜實務問題的解決能力培養上,有相當不錯的成效。借鏡於這些領域的經驗,本研究目的在探討問題導向學習融入教學實習課程對學生產生之具體學習成效,以及PBL融入教學實習課程之適切性。本研究以三種量化問卷,蒐集學生對案例問題、PBL教練行為的適切性,及其在教學知識與技能、學習能力與興趣和專業互動能力等三面向提升的感受。此外,亦藉由上課實錄、學生學習文件、訪談與研究日誌等質性方式,瞭解PBL運作之情形。研究顯示,師資生在教學專業知識與技能、學習能力與興趣,以及專業互動等能力上均有極正向之學習成效;同時,PBL融入教學實習能提升學生未來面對教學問題的解決能力。


《詳全文》 檔名

中文APA引文格式徐靜嫻(2013)。PBL 融入師資培育教學實習課程之個案研究。教育科學研究期刊58(2),91-121。doi:10.3966/2073753X2013065802004
APA FormatHsu, C.-H. (2013). Case Study on Applying Problem-Based Learning to the Student Teaching Curriculum. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 58(2), 91-121. doi:10.3966/2073753X2013065802004

Journal directory listing - Volume 58 (2013) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【58(2)】June

Case Study on Applying Problem-Based Learning to the Student Teaching Curriculum Author: Ching-Hsien Hsu(Center of Teacher Education,Fu Jen Catholic University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 58 No. 2
Date:June 2013


Ability-orientation has become a critical educational model for educating professionals working in many fields across the world. Featuring an ability-orientation approach, the problem-based learning (PBL) approach been successfully applied in medical, nursing, and scientific areas. Studies in these areas also show that PBL can effectively provide people with the problem-solving abilities that they require in their professions. In light of these results, this study explores whether PBL can be effectively applied to early-stage teacher programs.

The purpose of this research is to apply PBL to the student teaching curriculum to explore its effects. We discovered how PBL can be effectively applied to a curriculum design and what teaching outcomes can be achieved. This study shows that positive effects were observed in the disciplinary knowledge and skills, learning abilities, interests, and interaction skills of students. It also demonstrates that adopting a PBL approach in the curriculum of student teaching is feasible.

Keywords:student teaching, problem-based learning(PBL), teacher edutation