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Journal directory listing - Volume 60 (2015) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【60(3)】September
Master Ju-Lun Wu’s Inspection of Japanese Education and Reevaluation of Its Influence on the Drafting of School Systems in the Late Ch’ing Period
Author: Yu-Wen Chou(Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 60, No. 3
Date:September 2015
The modernization of Chinese education began from the late Ch’ing period, and the 1902 Ren-yin and 1904 Kuei-mao school systems marked the beginning of the modernization of Chinese education, which borrowed from Japanese education. Numerous studies have claimed that master Ju-Lun Wu was one of the key figures, before he inaugurated the vice-chancellor of Imperial Capital University, who inspected Japanese education over 4 months. He inquired into the development and problems of Japanese education by inspecting schools and universities; discussing with scholars, educators, and officials; listening to lectures; and collecting materials. His findings were reported to Minister Pai-Shi Chang and related staff and his Collected Records of Visiting Japan was published. Although his book became a reference book, this study found that Ju-Lun Wu was not directly involved in drafting school systems for several reasons. Therefore, the 1904 Kuei-mao system remains an uncritical, imitated Japanese school system.
Keywords:Japanese education, Ju-Lun Wu, Collected Records of Visiting Japan, educational inspection, school system