期刊目錄列表 - 61卷(2016) - 【教育科學研究期刊】61(2)六月刊(本期專題:師資培育:檢討、成效與前瞻)

科技教育融入STEM課程的核心價值與實踐 作者:范斯淳(國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系)、游光昭(國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系)


發展STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)課程是近年來美國教育界所關注的課題,亦普遍受到先進國家的重視。本研究之目的是從美國科技教育學者的觀點,探討科技教育融入STEM課程的核心價值與實踐方式,並據以提出對臺灣科技教育融入STEM課程的可行性及實施建議。本研究採深度訪談的方式訪談11位美國科技教育學者,以瞭解美國科技教育界如何闡述STEM課程之核心價值,及其課程發展與實踐方式。本研究歸納之結論如下:一、科技教育的STEM課程應是一種整合式的教學與學習途徑;二、科技教育的STEM課程應著重在實作學習(hands-on learning)以及心智學習(minds-on learning)的平衡;三、科技教育的STEM課程應以「科技與工程議題」為核心、「工程設計」歷程為架構,而「科學探究」、「數學分析」及「科技工具」為知識整合與應用的要項。據此,本研究針對臺灣邁向12年國教之科技教育提出三點建議:一、國中的科技教育課程著重設計與製作的內涵,培養學生解決生活問題的能力;高中著重工程設計的內涵,培養學生整合STEM知識以解決實務問題的能力;二、臺灣科技教育的STEM課程應提供學生更多設計、探究、分析、測試與綜合評估的學習機會,以建構更完整的整合與應用能力;三、提升臺灣生活科技教師對STEM課程的理解與教學專業知識的準備,是落實STEM課程理念的關鍵課題。


《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 李隆盛、吳正己、游光昭、周麗瑞、葉家棟、盧秋珍、沈章平(2013)。十二年國民基本教育生活與科技領域綱要內容之前導研究。國家教育研究院「十二年國民基本教育領域綱要內容前導研究」整合型研究報告(NAER-102-06-A-1-02-09-1-18)。臺北市:教育部國家教育研究院。【Lee, L.-S., Wu, C.-C., Yu, K.-C., Chou, L.-T., Yeh, J.-D., Lu, Q.-Z., & Shen, Z.-P. (2013). A pilot study of the national curriculum guide of technology learning area for 12-year basic education (NAER-102-06-A-1-02- 09-1-18). Taipei, Taiwan: National Academy for Educational Research.】
  2. 范斯淳、楊錦心(2012)。美日科技教育課程及其啟示。教育資料集刊,55,71-102。【Fan, S.-C., & Yang, J.-S. (2012). The inspiration from the new technology curriculum in the United States and Japan. Bulletin of Educational Resources and Research, 55, 71-102.】
  3. Asunda, P. A. (2012). Standards for technological literacy and STEM education delivery through career and technical education programs. Journal of Technology Education, 23(2), 44-60.
  4. Barry, N. B. (2014). The ITEEA 6E learning ByDeSIGNTM model: Maximizing informed design and inquiry in the integrative STEH classroom. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 73(6), 14-19.
  5. Bayer Corporation. (2010). Planting the seeds for a diverse U.S. STEM pipeline: A compendium of best practice K-12 STEM education programs. Pittsburgh, PA: Author.
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APA Format
Fan, S.-C., & Yu, K.-C. (2016). Core Value and Implementation of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Curriculum in Technology Education. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 61(2), 153-183. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2016.61(2).06

Journal directory listing - Volume 61 (2016) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【61(2)】June (Special Issue: Teacher Education: Reflection, Effect, and Prospect)

Core Value and Implementation of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Curriculum in Technology Education Author: Szu-Chun Fan(Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University), Kuang-Chao Yu (Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 61, No. 2
Date:June 2016


The integrative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum has become the primary focus of American education reform, as well as a new curriculum development trend in some developed countries in recent years. This study sought to develop a holistic understanding of the core value of the STEM curriculum and its implementation regarding American technology education. This study employed a qualitative in-depth interview method to explore and describe the educational philosophy and core value, curriculum design models, and instructional approaches involved in implementing the STEM curriculum. Eleven technology education experts from the United States were interviewed individually. The results are summarized as follows: (1) From the perspective of American technology education, the STEM curriculum is an integrative teaching and learning approach. (2) The core value of the STEM curriculum is to provide a balance between hands-on learning and minds-on learning. (3) Technological and engineering concerns should be the driving force of STEM-based projects; specifically, “engineering design” should be the foundation, and “science inquiry” and “mathematics analysis” should be the key capabilities for integrating and applying knowledge. From the results, three recommendations are offered for Taiwanese technology education: (1) The inclusion of “design and make” in the Taiwanese technology education curriculum should be considered as the major content for developing students’ problem-solving abilities, whereas “engineering design” should be the core content used in high school to develop students’ problem-solving abilities with STEM knowledge; (2) Technology education should provide students with more learning experiences in design, inquiry, analysis, testing, and evaluation; (3) The key to successfully implementing the STEM curriculum is to equip technology teachers with an understanding of the curriculum and the involved teaching approaches.

Keywords:STEM curriculum, technology education, curriculum design