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Journal directory listing - Volume 63 (2018) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【63(3)】september
Effects of a Bystander Intervention Curriculum for Preventing Sexual Harassment
Author: Pei-Shan Lee (Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University), Hsiang-Ting Chen (Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University), Zuway-R Hong(Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 63, No.3
Date:September 2018
Reports of sexual harassment continue to grow worldwide; therefore, the social and educational reasons for such incidents must be explored. This study proposed a sexual harassment prevention bystander intervention (SHBPI) course, the effects of which were determined using two research instruments: a gender prejudice scale (GPS) and a sexual harassment prevention perception scale (SHPPS). A total of 125 students were purposively recruited from a representative senior high school in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan to determine the reliability and validity of the two instruments. Then, 41 senior high school students from the same school were randomly selected as an experimental group (EG) to join a 6-unit 18-hour SHPBI program, while another 34 students were randomly selected as a comparison group (CG). All participants completed the 29-item GPS and 16-item SHPPS at the beginning and end of the intervention to assess their gender bias and perceptions regarding sexual harassment prevention. In addition, 8 students were selected from the EG to be interviewed following the posttest. The findings indicated that the SHPBI program effectively reduced students’ gender biases and improved their perceptions regarding sexual harassment prevention. The EG students’ total scores on the GPS were significantly lower than their CG counterparts. In addition, EG students’ total means on the SHPPS were significantly higher than their CG counterparts. Interview analysis revealed that the course taught participants about the 5 steps of bystander reaction. Suggestions regarding curriculum design, teaching implementation, and bullying or dating violence prevention are provided, and the implementation of bystander intervention education is discussed. Future research should examine different variables, research tools, experiences, and internet interactions.
Keywords:bystander intervention, gender education, gender prejudice, senior high school students, sexual harassment prevention