在日常生活中碰到問題時,常是顧此失彼,造成問題解決不能一步到位而徒花心力,為了解決這種思考不周延的現象,本研究應用一款「NG麵包遊戲」來檢測影響學生的遊戲焦慮、遊戲興趣、遊戲自我效能與後設認知間在共變推理遊戲中之相關。本研究以立意取樣方式,選取138位高一學生,每週進行20分鐘的NG麵包遊戲,連續實施六週,作為學習過程的一部分,學生必須完成線上問卷調查,包含遊戲實驗前的後設認知與遊戲自我效能等相關問卷,以及每次遊戲實驗後的遊戲焦慮、遊戲興趣等相關問卷調查,藉此以瞭解各變項間之相關。所得119份有效資料以SPSS 22與AMOS 21結構方程式進行資料分析與考驗,以瞭解高中學生情感因素間的相關性。本研究運用共變推理遊戲,以驗證各變項間之相關,研究結果顯示,後設認知、遊戲自我效能、遊戲興趣與遊戲焦慮皆呈現顯著負相關,遊戲自我效能與遊戲興趣呈現顯著正相關。結果證實,在特定的任務中提高玩家的遊戲自我效能,可減少遊戲焦慮進而支持玩家在競爭環境中的遊戲興趣。最終冀望本研究結果能提供教育工作者使用數位遊戲來訓練學生之可能性,以增強共變推理的能力。
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Journal directory listing - Volume 63 (2018) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【63(3)】september
Game Performance in Covariation Reasoning: The Correlates Between Gameplay Self-Efficacy, and Metacognition Reflected Gameplay Anxiety and Gameplay Interest
Author: Jon-Chao Hong (The Advanced Center for the Study of Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University), Chiung-Hua Chan (Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 63, No.3
Date:September 2018
For studying cause-effect relationships, a monoapproach is preferred. However, to account for the complex nature of reality, practicing covariation thinking is necessary. For exploring how cognitive-affective factors play a crucial role in the ability to practice covariation reasoning, this study collected data from senior high school students aged 16-17 years and 138 students were invited to practice that game 20 minutes for 6 times. As part of their studying process, the students were required to complete online questionnaires. The questionnaire related to metacognition and gameplay self-efficacy were delivered before this experiment, questionnaires related to gameplay anxiety and gameplay interest were given after each trial of game playing. Path analysis of data from 119 effective responses was performed using SPSS (version 22) and structural equation modeling-AMOS (version 21). The results demonstrated that gameplay self-efficacy, gameplay interest, and metacognition in learning “NG Bread” was negatively correlated to gameplay anxiety, but gameplay self-efficacy was positively related to gameplay interest. Furthermore, the result indicated that enhancing gameplay self-efficacy in a specific task may reduce players’ anxiety and encourage interest in playing the game in a competitive setting. The implication of this study may encourage educators to use this digital game for improving covariation reasoning of their students.
Keywords:covariation reasoning, gameplay anxiety, gameplay interest, gameplay self-efficacy, metacognition