期刊目錄列表 - 63卷(2018) - 【教育科學研究期刊】63(3)九月刊

園藝治療方案對失智症老人正向情緒與福祉效益之研究 作者:實踐大學家庭研究與兒童發展學系劉懿儀、實踐大學家庭研究與兒童發展學系朱芬郁




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APA FormatLiu, Y,- I & Chu, F.- Y. (2018). Effect of a horticultural therapy program on the emotional well-being of older adults with dementia. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 63(3), 257-289. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201809_63(3).0009

Journal directory listing - Volume 63 (2018) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【63(3)】september

Effect of a Horticultural Therapy Program on the Emotional Well-Being of Older Adults With Dementia Author: Yi-I Liu (Department of Family Studies and Child Development, Shih-Chien University), Fen-Yu Chu (Department of Family Studies and Child Development, Shih-Chien University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 63, No.3
Date:September 2018

This research sought to acquire a preliminary understanding regarding the facts and effects of a horticultural therapy program on the emotional well-being of older adults living in care facilities with early or middle-stage dementia. A quasiexperimental design was adopted based on the pretest and posttest results of a single group. Relevant theories regarding positive emotions were incorporated into the horticultural therapy program, which consisted of a 6-week course of 12 sessions for a 12-person group. The subjects were elderly residents at a care facility in New Taipei City aged ≥ 65 years with early or middle-stage dementia. The objective was to understand the feelings and achievements of the program participants regarding four positive emotions: joy, self-confidence, contentment, and optimism. The research instruments were a “Questionnaire on the Positive Emotions of Older Adults with Dementia,” “Questionnaire for Pre- and Posttest on the Benefit and Effectiveness of the Horticultural Therapy Program,” and “Record of Observation.” The results revealed that: (1) The horticultural therapy program was most effective at elevating levels of contentment. (2) For older adults with dementia, the program was most helpful for “creating a sense of achievement” and “relaxing the mind.” (3) The program helped to promote positive emotions and lifestyles. (4) The older adults with early stage dementia benefited the most from attending the program. (5) The older adults with dementia exhibited strong life aspirations and were able to think of more topics to discuss with their children. In summary, introducing the horticultural therapy program helped the older adults with early or middle-stage dementia develop more positive emotions. The findings of this study are particularly valuable given the increasing prevalence of dementia in aging societies.

Keywords:dementia, horticultural therapy program, older adults, positive emotions, well-being