期刊目錄列表 - 64卷(2019) - 【教育科學研究期刊】64(1)三月刊

技術及職業教育政策之接受度:實踐研究新視角 作者:國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系暨學習科學跨國頂尖研究中心洪榮昭、國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系暨學習科學跨國頂尖研究中心葉建宏、台南應用科技大學時尚設計系范靜媛




《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 立法院(2016)。立法院第9屆第1會期第12次會議議案關係文書。取自https://lci.ly.gov.tw/ LyLCEW/agenda1/02/pdf/09/01/12/LCEWA01_090112_00010.pdf 【Legislative Yuan. (2016). The 9th 1st session:12th relationship document for Legislative Yuan assembly. Retrieved from https://lci.ly.gov.tw/LyLCEW/agenda1/02/pdf/09/01/12/LCEWA01_090112_00010.pdf】
  2. 吳天元(2012)。臺灣高等技職教育發展策略之探究。教育資料集刊,55,1-14。 【Wu, R. T.-Y. (2012). Strategies for the development of technical and vocational education in Taiwan. Bulletin of Educational Resources and Research, 55, 1-14.】
  3. 吳靖國、林騰蛟(2010)。臺灣高等技職教育發展的理論性反思。教育資料集刊,47,1-24。 【Wu, C.-K., & Lin, T.-C. (2010). A theoretical reflection on the development of higher technological & vocational education in Taiwan. Bulletin of Educational Resources and Research, 47, 1-24.】
  4. 杜正勝(2004)。我國技職教育政策現況與未來發展專案報告。取自https://npl.ly.gov.tw/npl/ report/930602/5.pdf 【Tu, C.-S. (2004). Project report on technical vocational education policy status and future development. Retrieved from https://npl.ly.gov.tw/npl/report/930602/5.pdf】
  5. 李高英(2014)。技術及職業教育法草案。取自http://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid= 6588&pid=84835 【Li, K.-Y. (2014). Technical and vocational education draft act. Retrieved from http://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/ Detail.aspx?nodeid=6588&pid=84835】
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中文APA引文格式洪榮昭、葉建宏、范靜媛(2019)。技術及職業教育政策之接受度:實踐研究新視角。教育科學研究期刊,64(1),181-211。doi: 10.6209/JORIES.201903_64(1).0007
APA FormatHong, J.-C., Ye, J.-H., Fan, J.-Y. (2019). Policy Acceptance of Technical Vocational Education: A Perspective From a New Act on Field Study. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(1), 181-211. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.201903_64(1).0007

Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【64(1)】March

Policy Acceptance of Technical Vocational Education: A Perspective From a New Act on Field Study Author: Jon-Chao Hong(Department of Industrial Education and Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University), Jian-Hong Ye(Department of Industrial Education and Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University), Jing-Yun Fan
(Department of Fashion Design, Tainan University of Technology)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.1
Date:March 2019

Since the introduction of the Technical and Vocational Education Act (hereinafter “TVE Act”) in Taiwan in 2015 under Articles 25 and 26, technical teachers are required to pursue advanced study or research in the industrial field. However, few technical teachers are willing to abide by this policy, which eliminates the difference between learning and practice. This study conducted a survey by collecting data from 244 teachers of technical skills or subjects in technical vocational colleges. The results indicate that pull and push factors were positively related to the perceived value of the TVE Act, whereas the perceived value of the TVE Act was negatively related to their intention of implementation. Feedback from some of the research participants indicates that the mandatory policy of the regulation may be one of the factors leading to the exclusion of the policy. the result, this study suggested that the education policy should not only stipulate teachers’ obligation to do research or only to learn from its profession, but incentives also need to be provided as a push factors to attract technical teacher’s intention to follow the policies, so that professional or technical subjects in technical vocational schools can be improved.

Keywords:acceptance attitude, intention to use, perceived value, push and pull factors, Technical and Vocational Education Act