期刊目錄列表 - 64卷(2019) - 【教育科學研究期刊】64(2)六月刊

國中教育會考英語科聽力測驗實施的回沖效應初探 作者:國立臺灣師範大學心理與教育測驗研究發展中心暨學習科學跨國頂尖研究中心曾芬蘭、國立臺灣師範大學心理與教育測驗研究發展中心游羽萱、國立臺灣師範大學心理與教育測驗研究發展中心蔡逸凡、國立臺灣師範大學心理與教育測驗研究發展中心暨學習科學跨國頂尖研究中心陳柏熹




《詳全文》 檔名

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APA FormatTseng, F.-L., You, Y.-X., Tsai, I-F., Chen, P.-H. (2019). A Pilot Study of the Washback Effect of the Incorporation of English Listening Test in the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(2), 219-252. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201906_64(2).0008

Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【64(2)】June

A Pilot Study of the Washback Effect of the Incorporation of English Listening Test in the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students Author: Fen-Lan Tseng(Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing and Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University), Yu-Xuan You(Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing, National Taiwan Normal University), I-Fan Tsai(Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing, National Taiwan Normal University), Po-Hsi Chen(Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing and Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.2
Date:June 2019

This study investigates the effects of the incorporation of English listening test in the comprehensive assessment program for junior high school students (CAP henceforth) on the teaching in junior high school classrooms. Attention is also given to the teaching strategies or methods that the interviewed teachers believe to help improve students’ listening comprehension. Through questionnaires, this study explores the differences of high school English teachers’ overall approaches to teaching, and further compares their teaching strategies and assessment approaches in the period of the basic competence test for junior high school students with those in the period of the CAP. The main findings are as follows: First, teachers employed textbooks as the main source for instruction for both periods, with more additional extracurricular and electronic materials in the period of CAP. Secondly, for both periods, teachers spent most time in the instruction of vocabulary, grammar, and reading; however, the overall time allocation for the teaching of reading, listening, and speaking is increased with the incorporation of the listening comprehension test. Thirdly, listening comprehension assessment was included as part of the regular midterms and finals more than 10% in the period of CAP. The findings of our study indicated there was positive washback effect with the incorporation of English listening test. The above findings are further complemented with the interviews with the high school English teachers of the 14 selected schools whose students’ scores for the CAP English listening test have significantly improved from 2015 to 2017. By presenting several common teaching strategies that are shared by the interviewed teachers of the sampled schools, this study offers some suggestions for effective approaches to teaching English listening.

Keywords:English listening test of the comprehensive assessment program for junior high school students, teaching strategies, washback effect