期刊目錄列表 - 21~30期(1976-1985) - 第二十七期 (1982)

乘積與合成圖形中多重著色的拓樸不變性 作者:吳森原、李世文(國立臺灣師範大學理學院數學研究所)


Berge [3]在1976年,曾經發表一些有關多重著色問題的研究。在本文中,我們研究乘積與合成圖形的多重著色的性質。我們證明了若G是具有偶數個頂點的第一類圖形[5],則G的多重色彩指數與其色彩指數相同。我們並證明若G1,G2都是可以多重著色的圖形,則G1×G2與G1 [G2] 也都是可以多重著色。


Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 27 (1982)

On Topological Invariants of the Multicolorings of the Product and Composition of Graphs Author: Shih-Jen Lee, Son-Yen Wu(Institute of Mathematics College of Sciences)


Berge [3] has studied some properties of multicoloring in a graph. In this pqper, we study the multicoloring in the product and composition of graphs. We show that if G has even vertices with the first class [5] , then the multicoloring index of G is equal to the chromatic index of G. We also show that if G1 and G2 are both multicolorable, then G1 × G2 and G1[G2] are also multicolorable.