期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)

職前與在職生物教師科學態度之研究 作者:鄭湧涇(國立臺灣師範大學生物學系)


本研究以「科學態度測驗」(SAT) 為研究工具,探索我國職前及在職生物教師之科學態度素養概況。資料分析的結果顯示,SAT的內部均質性信度值為0.66,較一般研究所發展的態度量表之信 度略低。組成SAT之六項態度成分之區別性效果 (Discriminant Validity) 十分恰當。
研究結果顯示,職前生物教師的科學態度素養顯著優於在職生物教師(p>0.01),另外,在SAT之六項態度成分中,職前教師之AC-1、AC-3 和AC-5三項態度成分的素養亦均優於在職教師。就在職教師而言,主修生物之教師,科學態度顯著優於非主修生物之教師(p<0.05),在AC-1、AC-2和AC-5三項態度成分亦有相同情形。一般而言,生物教師之科學態度素養並不因性別的不同而異,惟職前教師部分,則有女生優於男生的現象。



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

The Scientific Attitudes of Pre-and In-service Biology Teachers Author: Yeong-Jing Cheng(Department of Biology, National Taiwan Normal University)


The Scientific Attitude Test(SAT) was used to explore the science attitudes of pre- (seniors) and in-service biology teachers. The internal-consistency reliability of the SAT was 0.66, a value which is slightly lower than those of the attitude scales reported in the literature. Data analysis showed that the discriminant validities of the six attitude components subscales (AC) were adequate and satisfactory.
The results of the study indicated that preservice biology teachers scored sig-nificantly higher on the SAT than inservice teachers (p<0.01). This finding was also found in three of the six attitude components subscales, namely, AC-l(Objectivity), AC-3(Respect for evidence), and AC-5 (Open-mindedness). Biology-major teachers scored significantly higher on the SAT than non-biology-majors (p<0.05). This finding was also found in AC-1, AC-2(Curiosity), and AC-5 attitude components subscales. In general, no statisticaly significant difference was found between the SAT scores of male and female subjects. While in preservice teachers, female subjects scored significantly higher than male subjects.
The results of data analysis further indicated that moderate positive correlations were found between scientific attitudes and the other three biology teaching competencies, namely, biology subject-matter competency, understanding of the nature of science, and biology inquiry skills. The subjects with higher SAT scores performed significantly better on BSCT, UNSI, and BISI than those with lower SAT scores.

Keywords:Scientific Attitudes, Teacher Education, Biology Teachers