期刊目錄列表 - 42期革新版(1997.10) - 【教育類】42期

不同學習過程的概念構圖策略對促進知識結構專家化與理解能力之效果研究 作者:江淑卿(國立屏東科技大學幼兒保育技術系)、郭生玉(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導系)



本研究主要目的在探討不同學習過程的概念構圖策略,對不同自然科學能力學生,在促進知識結構專家化和理解能力的效果。本研究採二因子等組後測實驗設計,將 201位六年級受試,依其在「國中新生自然科學能力測驗」得分,區分為低、中、高三種自然科學能力學生,再隨機分派至「繪製概念構圖策略」、「閱讀概念構圖策略」、「傳統閱讀策略」等各組。教學結束一週後,實施「知識結構測驗」,先採用徑路探測網路進行分析,可獲得三項知識結構指數,再以二因子多變項變異數分析處理。同時實施「理解能力測驗」,以二因子變異數分析處理。研究結果發現:不同學習過程的概念構圖策略,對促進知識結構專家化和理解能力的效果,會因學生的自然科學能力不同而有所不同。茲分述如下:(1)對高能力學生而言,接受不同學習過程的概念構圖策略,在促進知識結構專家化和理解能力的效果上,都未能優於傳統閱讀策略。(2)對中能力學生而言,接受不同學習過程的概念構圖策略,在促進知識結構專家化和理解能力上,大致比傳統閱讀策略有效。(3)對低能力學生而言,接受「閱讀概念構圖策略」,在促進知識結構專家化和理解能力上,都比傳統閱讀策略有效。接受「繪製概念構圖策略」,在促進知識結構專家化上,與傳統閱讀策略沒有差異,但是在增進理解能力上,比傳統閱讀策略有效。



APA FormatJiang, S.-C. & Kuo, S.-Y. (1997). The promotion of knowledge structure and comprehension ability using different learning process of concept mapping strategies. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 42(New Version), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.3966/2073753X1997104201001

Journal directory listing - Volume 42 (1997/October) - Education【42】

The Promotion of Knowledge Structure and Comprehension Ability Using Different Learning Process of Concept Mapping Strategies Author: Shwu-Ching Jiang (Department of Child Care of Science and Technology, National Pingtung University), Sheng-Yu Kuo (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 42 (New Version)
Date:October 1997


The main purpose of this study was to explore the effect of knowledge structure and comprehension ability by using different learning process of concept mapping strategies with different natural science abilities students. Two-way between-subjects factorial design was used. Two hundred and one six-graders were categorized into low - middle and high natural science ability based on Science Ability Test for the First Year Junior High School Students. Furthermore, they were randomly assigned into three groups of drawing concept mapping strategy - reading concept mapping strategy and general reading strategy. One week later, the Knowledge Structure Test was conducted and Pathfinder Network was used to obtain three knowledge indices, then Two-way factorial MANOVA was used. Comprehension Ability Test was conducted and two-way factorial ANOVA was used too. Results indicated as follows: The effects of knowledge structure and comprehension ability were obtained based on different learning process of concept mapping strategies with different natural science ability students. (1) Comparing with general reading strategy group, high ability students could not be further promoted knowledge structure and comprehension ability by using different learning process of concept mapping strategies. (2) In most cases, comparing with general reading strategy group, middle ability students could be promoted knowledge structure and comprehension ability by using different learning process of concept mapping strategies (3) With regard to low ability students, knowledge structure and comprehension ability was more effectively promoted by using reading concept mapping strategy instead of general reading strategy. By using drawing concept mapping strategy, knowledge structure was not more effectively promoted, but comprehension ability was more effectively promoted than using general reading strategy.

Keywords:knowledge structure, pathfinder network, concept mapping strategies, comprehension ability