期刊目錄列表 - 43卷第2期(1998.10) - 【科學教育類】43(2)

生物技術研究發展策略與條件之專家意見評析 作者:曾哲明(國立臺灣師範大學生物學系)



生物技術科學為我國科學技術發展的重點學門之一,生物技術產業更是我國未來重點發展產業之一。本研究之目的,即在探討與分析「形成發現與創新的誘因」、「生物技術研發的本質」、「影響生物技術研發的因素」及「生物技術研發的環境條件與個人條件」。本研究之方法採用修改過之「大慧調查法」(Delphi's technique),即以兩次重複之問卷及一次訪談,廣泛收集專家意見,加以統整與分析,參與的專家分別來自大專院校、生技研發中心及生技產業界。專家學者認為:現有要素的拼圖歸類及社會與經濟的誘因是生物技術研發的主要誘因;多項學門的整合與多項領域專長的研究發展群及著眼於特定目標、應用或產品相關的問題,是生物技術研發的本質;研發人員的質、研發經費來源的確定、相關專利的取得及市場評估結果等是影響生物技術研發的因素;專家認為理想的研發環境必須具備穩定性、取傳得資訊容易、有激發才智的工作氣氛及對研究發明的價值充分肯定的領導階層等條件,而一個理想的生物技術研發人員必須有高度的研發意願,能全神投入欲解答之問題、有足夠之知識背景與認識問題、開放自己的思考接受廣泛的新科技訊息,必且對於解答問題執著而有毅力。本研究所獲得之專家意見,將可做為生物技術研發決策及生物技術人才培育規劃之參考。



APA FormatTseng, J.-M. (1998). Expert Opinions Concerning The Strategy and Essential Factors for The Research and Development of Biotechnology. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 43(2), 25-36. https://doi.org/10.6300/JNTNU.1998.43(2).02

Journal directory listing - Volume 43 Number 2 (1998/October) - Science Education 【43(2)】

Expert Opinions Concerning The Strategy and Essential Factors for The Research and Development of Biotechnology Author: Jerming Tseng(Department of Biology,National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 43, No.2
Date:October 1998


Biotechnology is one of the developing industries in our country. The specific aim of the present study was to investigate and evaluate "the factors that led to invention and innovation in biotechnologi-cal industry", "the nature of research and development (R&D) in biotechnology industry", "the factors that affected the quality and decision-making of the biotechnological R&D", "the ideal environment for the biotechnological R&D" and "the criteria of a creative investigator for biotechnological R&D". The research was conducted by a modified Delphi's technique. The repeated questionnaires were given to 21 experts from universities, R&D institutes and industrial sectors, respectively. The study was then followed by a face-to-face interview. The data collected from questionnaires and interviews were grouping and analyzed. Results suggested that "Configurational synthesis" and "Social-Economic motivation" were two major factors that led to invention and innovation. Integrating the multi-disciplines, grouping the diverse expertise and targetting the specific goal that related to application and product were the nature of biotechnology R&D. The quality of the investigator, the stability of the research fund, the validation of related patents and the detail evaluation of the marketing were the factors that affected the quality and decision-making of the biotechnological R&D. Stability, availability of new knowledge and information, a stimulating intellectual atmosphere and a leader who would appreciate the value of the research were the nature of an ideal environment for the biotechnological R&D. Finally, experts in general agreed that the criteria for a creative investigator who would conduct the biotechnological R&D should include a high level of motivation on R&D, a dedication to the question to be solved, an adequate knowledge base for creative thinking, an open-mind prepared with broad, up-to-date technological information and persevering in solving problems. The expert opinions obtaining from this study should be valuable for the decision-maker of biotechnological R&D and for developing the curriculum of the biotechnological education.

Keywords:Biotechnology, R&D strategy, R&D criteria