期刊目錄列表 - 45卷第2期(2000.10) - 【教育類】45(2)

學校行政永續發展的理念與實踐:以歷史意識為本 作者:黃乃熒(國立臺灣師範大學教育學系)






APA FormatWhang, N.-Y. (2000). The Idea and Praxis of Continuity of School Administration: The Perspective of Historical Consciousness. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 45(2), 1-16. doi:10.3966/2073753X2000104502001

Journal directory listing - Volume 45 Number 2 (2000/October) - Education【45(2)】

The Idea and Praxis of Continuity of School Administration: The Perspective of Historical Consciousness Author: Whang, Nai-Ying(Associate Professor, Department of Education National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 45, No. 2
Date:October 2000


The study is to discuss the idea and praxis in change of school administration through the perspective of historical consciousness. The idea emphasizes that history can be viewed as both assets and debts. The study tries to use the historical perspective to construct the methodology of change of school administration. In fact, there are traditionally two kinds of problems that hinder the continuity of school administration. One is the ignorance of members' historical feelings; the other is the limit of historical effects. The former will cause the problem of legitimacy deficit in change of school administration. The latter will lead to the problem of less creativity. Both of them will hinder the continuity of school administration. Based on the above dialectics, the idea of continuity in change of school administration stresses historical consciousness. Such historical consciousness concerns both the respect of historical feeling and the development of historical reality. These two kinds of historical mechanisms can help develop the continuity of school administration. Finally, the study suggests the strategies to practice the idea of the continuity of school administration.

Keywords:school administration, continuity, historical consciousness