期刊目錄列表 - 48卷第1期(2003) - 【教育類】48(1) 四月刊

實習教師信念改變的影響因素之探討 作者:朱苑瑜(高雄市五福國中)、葉玉珠(國立政治大學教育學程中心)



本研究旨在探討國中實習教師的教師信念改變之影響因素。本研究的研究對象為南台灣公立國中163名實習教師及163名實習輔導教師;所使用的測量工具包括「教師信念量表」、「國中教師專業成長量表」、「內省智慧量表」、「任教環境知覺問卷」。資料分析採描述統計、Hotelling's T2、重複量數分析、區別分析、多變量共變數分析、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法。



APA FormatChu, Y.-Y., & Yeh, Y.-C. (2003). A study of Influential Factors to Student Teachers' Belief Change. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 48(1), 41-66 doi:10.3966/2073753X2003044801003

Journal directory listing - Volume 48 Number 1 (2003) - Education【48(1)】April

A study of Influential Factors to Student Teachers' Belief Change Author: Yuan-yu Chu(Wu-fu Junior High School), Yu-chu Yeh (Institute of Teacher Education, National Chengchi University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 48, No. 1
Date:April 2003


This study aimed to investigate the factors that caused belief change in student teachers. The participants included 163 student teachers and their corresponding mentors in public junior high schools of southern Taiwan. The instruments used were Teacher Belief Appraisal, Professional Growth Scale for Junior High School Teachers, Intrapersonal Intelligence Appraisal, and Questionnaire on the Perception of Teaching Environment. The analysis methods included descriptive statistics, Hotelling's T2, repeated-measures analysis of variance, discrimination analysis, MANCOVA, and multiple stepwise regression.
The findings of this study revealed that (a) the student teachers' beliefs were open-oriented on the whole, but the degree of openness varied on the four dimensions of beliefs; (b) the student teachers' beliefs, though comparatively stable, had some changes during their practice teaching period; (c) the mentors' beliefs had great influences on their student teachers' belief change; (d) the student teachers' motivation of professional growth was an important predictor of their beliefs.

Keywords:belief change, student teacher, mentor teacher, growth motivation