期刊目錄列表 - 49卷第2期(2004.10) - 【科學教育類】49(2)

國小綠色消費教學之行動研究 作者:林明瑞、包沛然(國立臺中師範學院環境教育研究所)



本研究旨在透過綠色消費的課程設計及行動研究教學,了解國小學生現存之消費觀念與習慣、觀察學生在綠色消費行動研究學習過程中其綠色消費認知、態度、行為的學習成長情形。本研究以台中縣健民國小五年級學生為行動研究教學樣本,將學生分為實驗組(進行行動研究學習課程)及對照組(進行傳統教學),以觀察、問卷調查、學習檔案評量、教學日誌、訪談及內容分析等多種研究方法進行資料蒐集、分析與歸納結論。研究結果如下:一、目前國小五年級學生在綠色消費認知上僅限於購買環保商品,對於綠色消費的態度則表現正向與高度的興趣。而在綠色消費行為上則僅表現於「資源回收」、「自備餐具、環保杯、購物袋」、「節省水電」等與學校環保宣導有關的項目上。二、本研究所設計之綠色消費行動研究教學課程就教師觀察、教學日誌、學生訪談、問卷及以九年一貫能力指標檢核的結果顯示課程具有相當高之適用性。三、實驗組學生在受過綠色消費行動研究教學課程後,不僅在綠色消費的認知上較對照組顯著進步,在態度、行為上的成長亦顯著優於對照組。四、學生的社經背景並不影響其在綠色消費認知、態度、行為上的學習成效。五、以學生為主體、融合行動學習、STS 教學及學生自我導引式教學設計課程,採教學團隊模式進行綠色消費行動研究教學,使學生能表現出經常與積極之綠色消費行為,同時完成具有較高適用性之綠色消費課程、並可促成教師教學團隊之專業成長。



APA FormatLin, M.-R., & Pao, P.-J. (2004). Action Research for the Green Consumption in an Elementary School. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 49(2), 1-34. doi:10.6300/JNTNU.2004.49(2).01

Journal directory listing - Volume 49 Number 2 (2004/October) - Science Education【49(2)】

Action Research for the Green Consumption in an Elementary School Author: Min-Ray Lin, Pei-Jan Pao(Graduate Institute of Environmental Education in National Taichung Teachers College)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 49, No.2
Date:December 2004


The purpose of this study was to understand elementary school students’ current concepts and practices regarding “green consumption.” Through action research, this study set out to explore the changes in students’ cognition, attitudes and behavior caused by their green-consumption action learning.

In this study, the fifth graders of Jam-Ming elementary school were divided into two homogeneous groups—the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was taught green-consumption action curriculum, and the control group was taught a green-consumption education in the traditional way. The research methods included observation, questionnaires, learning portfolios assessment, instructional diaries, interviews and content analysis. The results of the study were as fellows:

In terms of cognition, the understanding of green consumption by fifth graders in elementary school did not extend beyond their buying of environmental protection goods. In terms of behavior, they performed such actions as recycling, reusing their chopsticks, bowls, and cups, bringing shopping bags when going shopping, saving water and electricity; they also engaged in other school-related environmental education activities.

1. The green consumption action research curriculum was judged to be highly suitable through observation, instructional diaries, interviews and questionnaires, and in accordance with the Competence Indicators or Benchmarks of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum proposed by the Ministry of Education.

2. The experimental group showed significantly greater improvement than the control group, not only in their understanding of green consumption but also in their attitude toward it and consequent behavior.

3. Students’ social status or background had no significant effect on their ability to learn about green consumption.

4. The proper action-reseach mode is student-centered, and merges action learning with STS teaching and self-guiding instructional curriculum design. A collaborative teaching team conducted the action research on green consumption education. Through this research teachers have been motivated to design a suitable green-consumption educational curriculum, and to promote the use of collaborative teaching teams in their profession.

Keywords:action research, green consumption, environmental education