期刊目錄列表 - 49卷第2期(2004.10) - 【科學教育類】49(2)

台中地區幼教人員電腦整合教學信念與應用現況之調查研究 作者:邱淑惠(國立臺中師範學院幼教系)、莊孟珊(朝陽科技大學幼保系)



本文旨在瞭解台中地區幼教人員應用電腦整合教學的情形,並探討幼教人員在電腦整合教學信念上的差異情形。本研究以自編之電腦整合教學信念問卷做為調查工具,調查了台中縣市288 位有使用電腦進行教學的幼稚園教師,113 位沒有使用電腦進行教學的幼稚園教師,和32 位電腦才藝老師。研究發現有使用電腦進行教學的幼稚園多以每週一次,每次約30 分鐘的電腦才藝課方式由教師直接指導幼兒使用電腦。幼教人員應用電腦整合教學所面臨的最大困難為,缺乏與電腦相關的專業知識、成本較高、與不易得知優良軟體訊息等。其中有使用電腦進行教學的教師偏向於同意以幼兒為中心的方式來進行電腦整合教學。電腦才藝老師傾向於採用以教師為導向的方式教導幼兒使用電腦學習軟體。



APA FormatChiu, S.-H., & Chuang, M.-S. (2004). Computer Integration in Kindergarten Teaching: Teachers’ Practices and Beliefs. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, 49(2), 35-60. doi:10.6300/JNTNU.2004.49(2).02

Journal directory listing - Volume 49 Number 2 (2004/October) - Science Education【49(2)】

Computer Integration in Kindergarten Teaching: Teachers’ Practices and Beliefs Author: Shu-hui Chiu(National Taichung Teachers College), Meng-Shan Chuang(Chaoyang University of Technology)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 49, No.2
Date:December 2004


The goal of this investigation is two folds: (1) to learn about the technology integration approaches applied by kindergarten teachers, and (2) to examine teachers’ beliefs about technology integration. Teachers in kindergartens in central Taiwan were sampled. Specifically, our participants included 288 kindergarten teachers who allowed computer time for their students, 113 kindergarten teachers whose students did not have computer time, and 32 computer teachers who taught children about computers in kindergarten. The data indicated that when teachers did apply technology in their teaching, most of them whole class work in a computer room for 30 minutes once a week. In general, most teachers lacked confidence in their ability to integrate technology into their teaching. Also, while kindergarten teachers tend to hold more student-oriented beliefs toward technology integration, focusing on students’ developmental stage, computer teachers tend to take a more teacher-oriented perspective in their teaching. It seems that computer teachers, although they possess better computer skills, may have insufficient training in early childhood education.

Keywords:early childhood education, technology integration, technology integration beliefs