期刊目錄列表 - 52卷(2007) - 【教育類】52(1) 四月刊

學校組織變革中的教師關注:發展階段與類型分析 作者:孫志麟(國立臺北教育大學教育管理與經營學系)、陳建銘(國立臺北教育大學教育政策與管理研究所)



過去有關學校組織變革的研究,是以組織層次的分析為大宗,而較少採取個人層次的觀點,以致無法凸顯教師在教育變革中的角色。本研究旨在探討教師對學校組織變革關注的發展階段,並進一步分析其關注類型。研究方法是以問卷調查法為主,以台北縣、市的50 所小學663 位教師為對象,進行「學校組織變革關注問卷」施測。調查所得資料,以次數分配﹑集群分析﹑區別分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定等統計方法進行分析。研究發現:教師頗關注學校組織變革的實施,且以「個人關注」和「協作關注」的發展階段較為明顯。此外,教師對學校組織變革的關注類型,大致可分為「中庸取向型」、「績效取向型」和「社會取向型」等三種,各類型的特徵不同,變革關注的發展階段也有所差異。最後,根據研究發現提出若干建議,以作為改進學校組織變革過程之參考。



APA FormatSun, C.-L., & Chen, C.-M. (2007). An Exploration on Teacher Concerns about Organizational Change in Elementary Schools: Stages and Types. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 52(1), 159-180. doi:10.3966/2073753X2007045201008

Journal directory listing - Volume 52 (2007) - Education【52(1)】April

An Exploration on Teacher Concerns about Organizational Change in Elementary Schools: Stages and Types Author: Chih-Lin Sun(Department of Educational Management, National Taipei University of Education),Chien-Ming Chen(Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Management, National Taipei University of Education)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 52, No. 1
Date:April 2007


Although organizational change in schools is an important part of the larger process of educational reform, we know relatively little about teacher concerns regarding such change. This study attempted to explore the stages and types of teacher concerns about organizational change in elementary schools. It focusd on the key role of teachers themselves in the process of implementing educational change. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model(CBAM) was deliberately chosen to explore the development of teacher concerns about school organization change. The model describes adoption of innovation as a dynamic process. Each teacher, according to this model, experiences a characteristic sequence of concerns as an innovation is implemented: (1) awareness; (2) information; (3) personal; (4) management; (5) consequence; (6) collaboration; and (7) refocusing. The subjects were 663 teachers from 50 elementary schools in Taipei city and Taipei prefecture. The instrument of this study was the “Questionnaire of Teacher Concerns about School Organizational Change” which consisted of seven subscales. Data were analyzed using the statistical methods of frequency, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, ANOVA, and the kai-square test. Results indicated that most teachers had high concerns about how the implementation of school organizational change.Teachers fall into two relatively well-defined categories in terms of their concerns regarding the innovation: the personal concern (stage 3) and the collaborative concern (stage 6). Furthermore, teacher concerns about school organizational change were also classified into three types: the moderate type, the efficient type, and the social type. Each type had its own characteristics and developmental stages of concern about the innovation. Based on these findings, several recommendations are offered to improve the process of school organizational change.

Keywords:school organizational change, teacher concern, stage of concern, type of concern