期刊目錄列表 - 56卷(2011) - 【教育科學研究期刊】56(2) 六月刊

綜合高中分流政策對學生學習成就的影響:以TEPS 資料分析為例 作者:李敦義(新北市立三峽國中教師)



我國自1996年開始試辦綜合高中,該政策的目的在於促使我國後期中等教育能在高中、高職之外,提供另一條不同的選擇進路,俾使學生得以適性發展,學得多方面知識,達到適性教育的目標。綜合高中分流政策立意甚佳,然而就歷年來綜合高中學生數變化來看,顯然綜合高中在我國後期中等教育仍不是主流,何以綜合高中沒有成為我國後期中等教育的主流?是否與國內相關研究發現綜合高中分流政策在執行上遭遇瓶頸有關,且進一步影響到國中畢業生在選擇就讀綜合高中的考量?此外,過去國內關於綜合高中分流政策的研究,大都集中在探討綜合高中的辦學績效和實施困難,而非該政策對學生學習成就的影響之探討。有鑑於此,本研究進一步探討綜合高中分流政策對綜合高中學生學習成就的影響?原始資料取自臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey)公共使用版中的第一波到第四波國中追蹤樣本資料,並使用傾向分數配對法(propensity score matching)進行資料分析。研究結果發現:在學生學習成就表現上,就整體平均效果來看,就讀綜合高中的學生並不比就讀普通高中或高職的學生來得好。最後,說明本研究結果對綜合高中分流政策的意涵,及提出研究建議供相關人員與後續研究之用。


《詳全文》 檔名

中文APA引文格式李敦義(2011)。綜合高中分流政策對學生學習成就的影響:以TEPS 資料分析為例。教育科學研究期刊56(2),107-135。doi:10.3966/2073753X2011065602004
APA FormatLee, D.-Y. (2011). Effects of Comprehensive High School Policy on Students' Achievement: Evidence from Taiwan Education Panel Survey. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 56(2), 107-135. doi:10.3966/2073753X2011065602004

Journal directory listing - Volume 56 (2011) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【56(2)】June

Effects of Comprehensive High School Policy on Students' Achievement: Evidence from Taiwan Education Panel Survey Author: Duen-Yi Lee(SanShia Junior High School, New Taipei City)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 56, No. 2
Date:June 2011


Since 1996, the Taiwanese government has launched the policy of comprehensive high school (CHS) to relax the traditional system of curriculum tracking at the level of senior secondary education. The aim of CHS is to offer junior high graduates delaying their choice between senior high and vocational curricula, an opportunity to increase their common knowledge and achieve a goal of personally tailored development. However, in contrast with students in both senior high and vocational schools, the percentage of those in the comprehensive high schools has been rather small since the 1998 school year. Furthermore, a number of studies and on-site evaluation reports on CHS have been conducted. Thus far, these studies and reports have focused on exploring the performance of comprehensive high schools and difficulties in implementing the policy. No evaluation of the impacts of the CHS policy on student achievement has yet been performed. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the causal effects of CHS policy on students' achievement in comprehensive high schools in Taiwan.
Using the data from the public released core panel data of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey in 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007, this study employs the method of propensity score matching to estimate the average treatment effect of CHS policy on students' achievement in comprehensive high schools. The results show virtually no gain in students' achievement from the CHS policy for those enrolled in comprehensive high schools in Taiwan. Finally, the present study discusses the implications of the CHS policy and suggests directions for stakeholders and future research.

Keywords:propensity score matching, comprehensive high school, Taiwan Education Panel Survey, curriculum tracking