期刊目錄列表 - 59卷(2014) - 【教育科學研究期刊】59(2) 六月刊

鷹架具體程度對創意發想的影響 作者:于文正(醒吾科技大學資訊傳播系)





《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 于文正(2008)。創意與生活授課大綱。取自http://blog.xuite.net/ myfriend3q/school/19147556【Yu, W.-C. (2008). The syllabus of creative and living. Retrieved from http://blog.xuite.net/myfriend3q/school/ 19147556】
  2. 于文正、黃雲龍、林家君(2008)。WebQuest在創造力教育中的應用。師大學報:教育類,53(2),169-192。【Yu, W.-C., Huang, Y.-L., & Lin, C.-C. (2008). Using WebQuest as a creative educational tool with college business students. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Education, 53(2), 169-192.】
  3. 工業技術研究院(2009)。產業學習網:科技管理類創意企畫課程。取自http://college.itri.org.tw/ default.aspx【Industrial Technology Research Institute. (2009). The syllabus of creative planning course from the industrial learning website. Retrieved from http://college.itri.org.tw/default.aspx】
  4. 王永銘(2008)。將創意轉化成專利。載於陳以亨(主編),創意的發想與實踐巡迴課程-教學大綱手冊(pp. 8-29)。高雄市:國立中山大學創意與創新研發中心。【Wang, Y.-M. (2008). From creativity to patent. In I.-H. Chen (Ed.), The thinking process and implementation of creativityA guidebook and course design (pp. 8-29). Kaohsiung, Taiwan: The Research Center for Creativity and Innovation of the National Sun Yat-sen University.】
  5. 王石番(1989)。傳播內容分析法─理論與實證。臺北市:幼獅文化。【Wang, S.-F. (1989). Content analysis of communication: Theory and validation. Taipei, Taiwan: Youth Cultural.】
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APA FormatYu, W.-C. (2014). A Discussion on Scaffolding Theory and Online Game Design Task Creativity. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 59(2), 31-60. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2014.59(2).02

Journal directory listing - Volume 59 (2014) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【59(2)】June

A Discussion on Scaffolding Theory and Online Game Design Task Creativity Author: Wen-Cheng Yu(Department of Information Communication, Hsing Wu University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 59, No. 2
Date:June 2014


    In this study, a quasi-experimental design was applied to understand the influence of scaffolding instructions on student performance in executing a creative online gaming task. A total of 119 students enrolled in the “Creativity and Living” course at a technology college in Northern Taiwan participated in this study. The students were randomly divided into experimental and control groups based on their optional classes. An investigation conducted prior to the experiment indicated that the students in the two groups did not display differences in their reactions to teachers’ instructions, their interest in the course before it commenced, or in their level of attention during the courses. The experimental intervention involved following various instructions for performing a creativity task titled “Online Gaming Concept Design.” Because the scaffolding instructions for the control group were more lenient than those for the experimental group were, the students in the control group had a comparatively higher degree of freedom when working on the creative task. Conversely, the experimental group strictly adopted specific and detailed scaffolding rules to achieve their goal. Their creativity operation performance was evaluated using three creativity education specialists on the basis of three indices: uniqueness, diversity, and the integrity of the design concept. The results of the t test indicated no difference in the two groups, but the distribution of their scores was compared. Ranking the creative tasks revealed that the performance of students in the control group was limited by their capacity for imagination, and the diversity and details were lacking, but the experimental group demonstrated excellent innovation, high diversity, and presented a degree of integrity.

Keywords:creative teaching, online game, scaffolding