期刊目錄列表 - 59卷(2014) - 【教育科學研究期刊】59(2) 六月刊

教師手勢對幼兒故事詞彙理解影響之研究 作者:簡馨瑩(國立臺東大學幼兒教育學系)、連啟舜(國立中正大學師資培育中心)





《詳全文》 檔名

  1. 吳心楷、宋曜廷、簡馨瑩(2010)。錄影分析在教育研究應用。教育科學研究期刊,55(4),1-37。doi:10.3966/2073753X2010125504001【Wu, H.-K., Sung, Y.-T., & Chien, H.-Y. (2010). Conducting video analysis in educational research. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 55(4), 1-37. doi:10.3966/2073753X2010125504001】
  2. 陳淑敏(2006)。如何引導幼兒閱讀故事書以增進幼兒的語言發展。屏東教育大學學報,24,41-60。【Chen, S.-M. (2006). How to promote young children’s language development through joint story book reading. Bulletin of Pingtung University of Education, 24, 41-60.】
  3. 陳惠如、張鑑如(2011)。指讀及文字討論之共讀方式對幼兒認字的影響。教育心理學報,43(2),377-396。【Chen, H.-J., & Chang, C.-J. (2011). Effects of print referencing in joint storybook reading on preschoolers’ word recognition. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 43(2), 377-396.】
  4. 黃儒傑(2004)。國小初任教師教學成敗歸因及其教學表現之研究。國民教育研究學報,13,183-214。【Huang, J.-C. (2004). A study of novice elementary school teachers’ attributions of successful and failed teaching and their performances in teaching. Journal of Research on Elementary and Secondary Education, 13, 183-214.】
  5. 簡楚瑛(1996)。幼稚園教室常規相關因素之研究。科技部專題研究計畫成果報告(NSC85-2413- H-134-008)。臺北市:國立政治大學。【Chien, C.-Y. (1996). A study of the rules related factors in kindergarten classroom. Ministry of Science and Technology project report (NSC85-2413-H-134-008). Taipei, Taiwan: National Chengchi University.】
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APA FormatChien, H.-Y., & Lien, C.-S. (2014). Effect of the Gestures of Teachers during Storytelling on the Vocabulary Understanding of Kindergarteners. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 59(2), 61-88. doi:10.6209/JORIES.2014.59(2).03

Journal directory listing - Volume 59 (2014) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【59(2)】June

Effect of the Gestures of Teachers during Storytelling on the Vocabulary Understanding of Kindergarteners Author: Hsin-Ying Chien(Department of Early Childhood Educaion, National Taitung University), Chi-Shun Lien(Center for Teacher Education, National Chung Cheng University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 59, No. 2
Date:June 2014


    This study examined the types and levels of gestures that teachers with different levels of experience used during storytelling, and investigated how these gestures affected the vocabulary understanding of children. In Study 1, the gestures of eight junior and eight senior teachers during storytelling were recorded and evaluated using the method of video analysis. The results showed that the gestures of teachers carried descriptive or semantic information related to the story. No frequency differences on gesture use were observed between junior and senior teachers to represent the story content. However, substantial differences between junior and senior teachers were observed regarding teacher-student interaction. The purpose of Study 2 was to determine whether children who watched different video clips, recorded by teachers with different levels of experience, exhibited different levels of vocabulary understanding. Sixty-seven kindergarteners in Taitung, Taiwan participated in the experiment. The results indicated that children who watched the video clip that was recorded by the senior teachers outperformed those who watched the video clip that was recorded by the junior teachers. This paper discusses implications for future research and education.

Keywords:gesture, instructive strategy, vocabulary comprehension, iconic, video analysis