期刊目錄列表 - 65卷(2020) - 【師大學報】65(1)三月刊(本期專題:鬼的想像與文化演繹)

(專題)中華民國華語文政策芻議 作者:國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系陳振宇


本文檢視中華民國現行的華語文政策,指出一些侷限,並提出幾點政策上的原則及具體的建議。在原則上,本文認為華語文教育應以華語非其目前生活主導語(Chinese as a non-dominant language)的所有學習者為服務對象,以華人的社會文化與生活經驗為政策推廣的重點,透過廣泛多元的生活內容,帶動因地制宜多樣多重標準的華語學習,讓文化走出去、華生走進來。在具體的政策上,本文建議以「華代語」(Chinese as an Alternative Language, CAL)為名,制定「促進國際社會使用華代語」之政策,長期推動華語文成為未來知識儲存與資訊交流的重要載體與媒介,是國際上許多人會想要擁有的語言之一。在此政策方向的引導下,應:一、研議訂定符合語言教育趨勢的華代語語言教育目標;二、強化華語文內容的多樣性(主題與專業)、多元性(年齡與社群)、與廣泛性(多媒體);三、培育多元多樣的華語文傳播人才;四、發展符合語言教育趨勢及語言教育目標的多樣華語文語言測驗。


《詳全文》 檔名

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APA FormatChen, J.-Y. (2020). Towards a Language Policy on Chinese as an Alternative Language in Taiwan, the Republic of China. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 65(1), 27-46. doi:10.6209/JORIES.202003_65(1).0002

Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of NTNU【65(1)】March (Special Issue: Imagination and Culture Translation of Ghost)

(Special Issue) Towards a Language Policy on Chinese as an Alternative Language in Taiwan, the Republic of China Author: Jenn-Yeu Chen (Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 65, No.1
Date:March 2020

The present paper examines the current policy of Taiwan, the Republic of China for Chinese as a second language, points out a number of limitations and makes several suggestions on the theoretical/principle level as well as on the concrete policy level. Specifically, we believe that a culturally responsive policy should target all learners/users whose current dominant language is not Chinese but who have the need to make Chinese their dominant language for daily use. The policy should focus on the diverse cultural contents that represent the broad Chinese community and encourage the learning and use of different varieties of Chinese. The goal of the policy is to take the Chinese cultures abroad and bring the Chinese learners in. The specific tasks include writing the National Policy for Promoting Chinese as an Alternative Language (CAL) in the International Community, with the goals of making Chinese the essential vehicle and media of information and knowledge in the future and of making Chinese a language of valuable possession. To achieve the goals, the government need to formulate the educational objectives of CAL that are in line with the trend of international language education, to enrich the contents of the Chinese language with respect to diversity, variability, and comprehensiveness, to prepare a task force with diverse talents and expertise, and to develop tests of CAL that meet the educational objectives and can support the learning of CAL.

Keywords:second language education , Chinese as an alternative language, Chinese language education, Chinese as a second language, language policy