期刊目錄列表 - 31~41期(1986-1996) - 第三十九期 (1994)

從〝自我解釋〞所產生的推論探究高中生化學平衡的學習 作者:邱美虹(國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所)


一般而言,在研究學生解題的策略時可利用反應速度、錯誤類型的對比方式來比較專家與生手之差異:如由簡單策略到複雜策略之使用或學習者不再使用原有之錯誤等。但這些並未說明"學習是如何產生的"(Chi, 1993)。因此著者擬從學生在學習時其所產生的推論來理解學習者其知識表徵與知識獲得的過程。
1. 學生是否在閱讀時會自我產生推論?若有,其推論的內容與結構為何?
2. 學習成就不同的學生在推論過程中其表現有何異同?



Journal directory listing - Volume 31-41 (1986-1996) - Volume 39 (1994)

Learning Chemical Equilibrium Via Self-explanations Author: Mei-Hung Chiu(Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University)


Research shows that students have difficulties in learning sciences in school context. Although there are many factors influence students' achievement in learning science, it is a vital issue that how we can help our students be successful in school learning. This study intends to investigate a potentially powerful learning strategy, self-explanations, for students' mean-ingful learning.
The purposes of this study are(l) to investigate how students generate inferences while reading the materials for learning chemical equilibrium, (2) to examine the structure and content of the inferences, and ( 3) to interpret the quality of influences generated by the more and less suc-cessful students.
The procedures are as follows: (l)pretest(including terms, real life problems, and content-specific problems), (2) reading phase, (3)studying examples (mainly required to think aloud so that researcher can tape-re-cord one's verbal data for later transcription and analyses.
The results reveal that there are six types of inferences: reference in-ference, commonsense inference, related inference, comparative inference, logical inference, and integrated inference. Also, the study finds that students tend to generate local influences during study. They are lack of linking knowledge globally. Finally, the results show the more successful students provide better quality of influences than the less successful students.

Keywords:inference, self-explanation, knowledge representation